3 words, 8 letters -

Sup y'all. Let's keep this short&sweet.
I go by the name of Shivani, but people call me Shiv.
My day is 06/07 & I'm turning 14.
I'm in love with Tom Felton.
Laughing is my Passion
Yeah, that's about it.

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“life will be better in spring”
September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 November 2011

hey retards (:
Tuesday, January 25, 2011 || 3:42 PM

hey retards (:

i got formspring :D
it is http://formspring.me/shivaniijaainx
and just incase some of you don`t know my tumblr it is http://shivaniijaainx.tumblr.com
just thought i should point that out (: 
anywaay, i`ll probably blog laterr. 
i`m looking forward to this arvo when i`m gonna meet chu & wang to go to wang`s rock (: ehehhe. 

bye y`all (:

2011 and other shit
Tuesday, January 4, 2011 || 10:12 PM

but, it`s 2010 2011and hopefully school this year will be better (:
cause like.
2010 sucked. mostly.
2012 is the end of the world
so, it would be nice if 2011 was a good year (:

anyway, a rant sorta thing now, with other little random shizz along the way

i don`t think anyone reads this shit, so it`s kinda good i can let out my emotions. i guess. sorta. idon`tknow.
but, no joke i am so so pissed off. i just wanna go punch someone so hard, thay i break they`re nose.
there`s this quote that makes me laugh though.

i was losing my virginity 
in a forest
against a tree. 

anyway, just thought i`d point that out.

LOL, my mum hates me. and i have a feeling she ain`t gonna let me go anywhere else these holidays. whatabitch. LOLOLOL.
you know what`s funny though, she says she won`t take me. i say i`ll go on my own. then she says. NO, you stupid idiot. you can`t go on your own. find another way.
like, WHATTHEFREAK (oh btw, i`m cutting down on saying fuck, cause it`s bad. i say freak instead. but if i`m really pissed i`ll say fuck. but i doubt it. just saying :L)
yeah, so anyway.
shit, she`s got problems. anywhooo,
i`ll talk to my father about it :D

she`s like really rude to me. first she says. oh you`re so goddamn stupid. i can`t believe you got into hornsby. but, i`m use to hearing that. so then she goes on that i eat too much. and all i`m eating is a freaking apricot. which is like the size of a ping-pong ball. and all i had consumed that day was a glass of milk. she`s really getting on my nerves. but now i scream back at her. i think that`s why i`m probably not allowed out. but, you can`t expect me to be able to hold back my anger for so long. i mean seriously. i`m only human. but omg, I WISH I WAS A WIZARD :D okay that was random :P anywaaaay, i don`t think i`ve gone through one holiday without arguing with her. i`m sick of it. and it`s just getting on my nerves.

help me. tell me what i should do. she doesn`t even want to talk about us fighting. so don`t suggest "go talk to her about it :D " CAUSE THAT IS THE STUPIDEST ADVICE EVER. oh i am so sick of getting that advice. seriously. 

shiv out.